Days 0-7
Anything Crunchy or hard
Anything Acidic or Spicy
Anything Excessively Hot
Grainy/Seedy Foods (oatmeal, rice, chia, etc)
Straws … * Never use straws for 1 week after your surgery. *
Day 7-14
Still avoid Grainy/Seedy Foods (oatmeal, rice, bagels, etc).
First 24 Hours after surgery
No-Chew Diet: Yogurt, pudding, soup, applesauce, ice cream, protein shakes.
Days 2-6
Everything above, plus...
Minimal Chew Diet: eggs, pasta, mashed potatoes, pancakes, etc.
Day 7-14
Start incorporating slightly more chewy foods: pizza, chicken, breads, etc. but nothing with seeds.
* It is normal to have diffuse soreness/muscle pain when you re-start using your jaw muscles more after they were taking it easy for a few days.*
Day 14 and on:
Resume a normal diet.
Helpful Supplies From the Pharmacy
Gauze Squares
Extra Strength Tylenol
Ice Packs
Black Tea Bags
Listerine Zero or Crest Zero
Extra soft toothbrush, the kind for toddlers are the best.
Nasal Decongestants
Pregnancy test for our female patients planning to undergo sedation or anesthesia.