Days 0-7

Anything Crunchy or hard

Anything Acidic or Spicy

Anything Excessively Hot

Grainy/Seedy Foods (oatmeal, rice, chia, etc)

Straws … * Never use straws for 1 week after your surgery. *

Day 7-14

Still avoid Grainy/Seedy Foods (oatmeal, rice, bagels, etc).


First 24 Hours after surgery

  • No-Chew Diet: Yogurt, pudding, soup, applesauce, ice cream, protein shakes.

Days 2-6

  • Everything above, plus...

  • Minimal Chew Diet: eggs, pasta, mashed potatoes, pancakes, etc.

Day 7-14

  • Start incorporating slightly more chewy foods: pizza, chicken, breads, etc. but nothing with seeds.

  • * It is normal to have diffuse soreness/muscle pain when you re-start using your jaw muscles more after they were taking it easy for a few days.*

Day 14 and on:

  • Resume a normal diet.

Helpful Supplies From the Pharmacy

  • Gauze Squares

  • Extra Strength Tylenol

  • Ice Packs

  • Black Tea Bags

  • Listerine Zero or Crest Zero

  • Extra soft toothbrush, the kind for toddlers are the best.

  • Nasal Decongestants

  • Pregnancy test for our female patients planning to undergo sedation or anesthesia.